Sunday, November 13, 2005


A busy weekend

It was one more hectic weekend for me. And the full day is spent on Lionism. Morning we had District Cabinet Meeting. Personally it was a very satisfying meeting for me. Firstly; I received the International President’s Appreciation Certificate, which is a rare gesture. Normally awards and rewards are given at the end of the year, but this award was given for my performance for the last four months. It is a fact that I do social service activities for personal satisfaction, but getting recognition for the same is icing on the cake. Secondly for the upcoming All India Lions Meet, both of my proposals were accepted by the district cabinet, which was also a great achievement. Everyone was really surprised, as normally this Governor does not heed to any suggestions.
Then the review committee meeting of All India Lions Meet, and lastly RC/ZC meeting. Now the All India Lions Meet is really getting momentum. The meeting really motivated the RCs and ZCs. All the ZCs have committed at least 30 registrations per zone. The meeting really generated the hype we planned for.
So it is almost certain that for next 50 odd days (till 7th January) I will be fully busy for this event only.
That is going to create two serious problems.
My Region conference, which is slated for 26th January. How do I give time for organizing that program? This should be more important for me as this is going to be my show. I must really give some serious thought about that.
Professionally my partners are after me to take some bold decisions. The real estate scenario is really booming in Hyderabad. They want to expand the business and to go public, which is not a child’s play. I must organize myself and give some serious thought on this matter also.
All these activities are really affecting my personal life. Today I received a call from my brother. He has taken my parents to Vellore for check up. Mother may require a surgery. May be they are expecting me to go there. If I take a morning flight to Chennai and from there a cab, then also it is going to be a 2 days affair as they are not going to leave me same day. Let me wait for the report of initial check-up, which is slated for 16th. I think after that only I will take a decision. It has been always my principle to be with parents always, as they are more interested in physical presence rather than any other support.

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