Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Me & Kolkata

Elsewhere I have commented ‘ I am no more a Kolkatan’.
But thinking about it I believe that is not true.

Today if I am asked, ‘ what are your favourite things?’
Definitely my answer will be;
- Sitting for hours over coffee at Coffee House. This is one place till date I don’t feel awkward sitting with majority of the occupants half of my age; There may be a couple of lovers sitting in the next table engrossed in their own world oblivious of their surrounding, or a kurta clad poet trying to make his poems read, or a young would be philosopher giving a new dimension of the ways of life, or an old professor surrounded by his/her admirers eating every word spoken.
It is more than 30 years I started patronizing this place. Last time I took my son with me to show the place. He was truly surprised. The most fascinating factor for him was the cacophony atmosphere. Being a true Hyderabadi, he was truly at sea there.
- Travel by a local train and a tram – the uncomfortable, almost impossible journey makes me remind of my roots. The 40 minutes journey form Sealdah to Barrackpore or back sometime seems like hell. But I really enjoy, sometime I am bemused by the loud talking of fellow passengers (25 years in Hyderabad made me a soft spoken man). I am often bemused by the kind of arguments goes on in the daily passenger. Each and everyone have some expert (?) comment to make on any subject be it about USA or Timbaktu, be it politics or vulgarity in cinema. I must narrate stories of my train journey some other time.
Tram journey is a necessity, as my poor body no more agreeable to take a bus journey. This is the only city where I make it compulsory to take public transport at least for once in one trip.
- Rummaging through the bookstalls of College Street. You can get book on any subject here. I have not seen a bigger book market anywhere else. After a couple of hours, I normally become overloaded with the books purchased; most of which will never be opened, it is only the pleasure of purchase.
- A Chinese dinner at Park Street or Tangra – the most authentic Chinese cuisine you can get in India.
-Moving around the halls of ‘Academy of Fine Arts’, always some exhibition of known or unknown artists are there to go through. I am planning to start investing in paintings in my forthcoming trip.
- if it is winter; Book fair at Maidan; here also I must tell stories of my experience in another episode.

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