Monday, November 21, 2005



After the show we had our dinner of Hdyerabadi Biryani at Shadab Hotel. We had to return early, as we had to see off Pinky who was leaving for her new home in USA.
The story of Pinky also is worth narrating. Pinky’s official name is Kulsum Razvi, sorry after marriage her surname has definitely changed. Anyway, Pinky’s mother Sakina was a colleague of my sister-in-law. Sakina being a workingwoman, used to keep Pinky with my in laws, and subsequently she became part of the family. Rather, at the time of my marriage, she was a permanent member of the family and was pet of my wife. She calls my in-laws mamma and papa. After my marriage she became my pet also. And she is the reason we did not go for a second child as we considered her as our own daughter. As she used to stay with us her attitude became like us, Hindu. She was closer to us than her biological parents.
But things started changing by the time she reached 10. Her parents started getting worried and I could feel the tension building up to get her back to their fold. Subsequently slowly she went away from us. But close relations are maintained between the two families for the common factor i.e. Pinky. My in-laws consider her as their third daughter. And today she is the closest to them than their own daughters.
Five years back she got married To Feroze, who is a resident of USA. Due to Visa problem it took five years for her to join her husband. Today she left for USA. We all went to see her off. At the time of her departure she started crying to tell me ‘ Bikash uncle please look after mamma and Papa (my in-laws)’. I could not give her any answer as my mouth was chocked with emotions. The human relations can tear away any religious barrier that is what she has proved today.

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