Sunday, November 13, 2005


Radha Krsihna

Yesterday I was talking about love of Radha and Krishna. The love story of Radha and Krishna has specific meanings. Here we find numerous occasions depicting the unflinching love of Radha, her desperation, her longings, however, there were no instances of Srikrishna’s longing for her. Rather, after Vrindavan chapter there is no mention of Radha in his life. Why is it so? The story of Srikrishna is chronicled by his followers only, then why should they do that in such a manner?

As a matter of fact I am fascinated about the character of Shri krishna. Firstly the colour; why is he black? Secondly he is in love with Radha, who is fair in colour.
Most fascinating is, here is a God figure who urges his disciple Arjuna to fight, in Bhagavad Gita. Jesus Christ asks his disciples to forgive. Most of the other God figures of any other religion urges for forgiveness. In my knowledge he is the only one who asks for fighting.
Secondly he is the latest of the Avatars of Lord Vishnu, but it is Lord Rama who is much more venerated by the followers, not Lord Krishna. In Sri Krishna Avatar, Lord Vishnu is not in action, his role is of advisor. Whereas Lord Rama is the embodiment of virtues, Lord Krishna does not have any qualm in taking doubtful recourses in achieving his goals. There are plenty of occasions in Mahabharata, where Lord Krishna has taken dubious paths. At the time of killing of Jayadhrata, he created artificial dusk with his chakra. During killing of Acharya Drona he urges Dharmaputra Yudhistira to tell lies about death of Dronacharya’s son.
The character is really fascinating.

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