Friday, November 04, 2005


Sottorer Dasok, muktir Dasok - the decade of seventies is the decade of freedom

Sottorer Dasak Muktir Dasak – The decade of seventies is the decade of freedom.
I have grown up in Calcutta during late sixties till mid seventies. I have seen the annihilation of one generation of Bengalee Youths. I have seen the great communist movement of Bengal during that period, which changed the social structure of Bengal. I have seen the great decay in the life of Bengalee middle class Bhadralok. I feel that the history of that period has not been chronicled properly. Today the Bengalee society is still paying for the omission and commissions of that period.
Today when I see the Maoist movement again resurging in various parts of the country, I remember the faces of those youths, bright – the future of any society, which was lost.
I felt there should be an independent history of the affected people. The story of the mothers who lost their sons, the sisters who lost their brothers, brothers who lost their brothers, the youths who lost their childhood, need to be heard so that the next generation of youths will not be put to the same kind of foolishness. The idealistic youths are again getting misguided by the power broker politicians. They should be told the untold story of their predecessors, which only will open their eyes.
I want to make a documentary film on the subject.

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