Sunday, November 06, 2005


A special Diwali

This Diwali I wanted to spent some time with inmates of old age home. Due to various reasons the same could not be materialized. But somehow I was getting restless. And by evening decided that we three ( including wife and son) should celebrate our Diwali as planned. Accordingly we went to meet one of our aunts, Mrs. Laxmi, a widow of mid sixties who stays alone. She was really thrilled seeing us. Her only daughter could not visit her due to other commitment. It was a dull diwali for her. But we lit up her house with candles. Immediately she prepared some sweets for us.
We spent an hour and so with her.
From there we went to meet Mrs. & Mr. Rao. Mr. Rao has crossed 80, became forgetful. Mrs. Rao is old enough to suffer all the ailments of old age. Her son and daughter stays somewhere in Tamilnadu. For the old couple there were no Diwali. Mr. Rao has become very frail. Now a day he lives only on daydreaming. He was telling stories about his long dead brother, his niece who stays in USA. Mrs. Rao forced us to eat Sweets. We had some laugh on stories of forgetfulness of Mr. Rao. The old couple was so overjoyed that they were not leaving us.
After spending a couple of hours we really felt that it was a great diwali for us. We brought some joy and happiness to those old people. I am quite sure that they will remember this day for a long time to come. Our visit made this day special for them.
This was a special Diwali for us also.

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